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Sales Tax Rate Changes for California

Most of you are aware that the sales tax rate for California decreased by 1% starting on July 1, 2011. Well, if you didn’t know, now you do. It is important that you make this change in your accounting system, whether you use Sage MAS90, Sage MAS200, Sage BusinessWorks, CounterPoint v.7, CounterPoint SQL, or any other system. Many of our clients made the change themselves back on July 1st, or called for help. I’m still finding clients who haven’t gotten around to it yet. If you need help, email or call us. It’s not difficult, but you may not remember what to do since these changes happen infrequently. We can tell you how to make the change, or simply remotely connect and make the change for you.

One noteworthy item is that the special Farm tax credit has not changed. For instance, in Fresno County, the sales tax rate is still 2.725.  So in each county, whatever the special rate was prior to July 1st, is still the same rate now.


941 Form Changes for 2011

If you need the 2011 941 form for Payroll, download it here.

This update is compatible with the following versions of Sage ERP MAS90/200:

  • – (already included with
  • – (already included with
  • 4.20

Prior to performing Payroll period-end processing and Quarterly 941 Printing, the following steps are required:

1. Complete all payroll entries and update.

2 .Using Windows Explorer, browse to ..\MAS90\Reports\.

3. Rename the following files in the ..\###-###\ and ..\###-xxx\ folders (where xxx = company code):

a. PR941A.rpt (example: PR941A.rpt.2010 rpt)

b. PR941P.rpt4. Install the 2011 Payroll Update.exe.

This enhancement is included in versions and

Payroll Tax Table for MAS90/200 3rd Quarter 2011

Effective 07/01/2011, the FUTA rate is now 0.6%. Be sure to finish your normal quarter-end processing for Quarter 2, and then download and install this tax table: 2011q3TTU. Let us know if you have questions or need help!